Frequently Asked Questions
Q I have been diagnosed with Gluten Ataxia and I am on a Gluten Free diet, but in our house my husband and 2 children continue to eat gluten. Will this lead to cross contamination?
A Whilst it is possible to co-exist the reality is unless all your food and cooking utensils are kept totally separate it is very difficult.
Q Can I eat out safely at a Gluten Free restaurant?
A You need to speak personally to the manager and ask if all the staff are trained in what Gluten Free is. Do they understand cross contamination. and is there a separate area with its own utensils for preparing Gluten Free meals.
Q I am Gluten Free and share a toaster with my wife who eats gluten – is that safe?
A Only if your Gluten Free bread is kept in an appropriate bag to prevent contamination. These can be obtained from Coeliac UK.